Cimory Resto should take a lesson in yoghurts from Sour Sally. Sour sally sells primarily frozen yoghurt in only 2-3 flavours depending which store one goes to. Founded and only in Indonesia, this brand is well managed and very creatively done. The character Sour Sally is so cute! I love the store, the merchandise, and the website is pretty cool too.
This store is one of many throughout Indonesia. I simply love the design and artwork.
The small space this store has is well utilised and the design just flows from entrance to the back.
I'd come here to chill out. Get it? 'chill out' and 'frozen yoghurt' :|
Merchandise include playing cards and stationery. I reckon they should do more stationery and promote it too!
How creative is this?! Sally is sleeping on the serviette! Green and Black nice colours. Reminds me of the upcoming movie, 'The green hornet' which stars my favourite singer of all time, Zhou Jie Lun. I must be honest, Jay can't act for nuts, but I love his songs.
Image ripped from Sony Pictures.
The tile work reminds me of my pixelart dabbling days ala
Created by Jaystin Unicorn
Ok some may ask what the heck is pixel art? Well, its.... I can't be bothered to explain it... so let Wiki explain it.
So this drawing is derived from artwork of an internet friend of mine, Vera Ma (Yes, I have informed her of this and other legal stuff, lol). I love her artwork but since Jan 2010, I've no idea where she is now. Disappeared off the internet scene. Anyways, take care, Vera-sensei!
So there is like green tea flavour, and plain and a pink flavour... cant remember. And you get to choose 2-3 toppings. I went for Lychee (an asian fruit), almonds and mochi (sweet glutinous rice)
I love these chairs! So Alice in wonderland-ish.
Yea so if in Indonesia, make your way to Sour Sally! It's fat free ;)
Verdict : A nice refreshing desert. Not overly sweet. Regular size is a good serving portion.
Taste : 3 out of 5
Value : 3 out of 5
Yea, So I was away for awhile, but now things are coming back on track so expect more foodviews, comics, guides and maybe even gundams and hotels!
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