The famous Tamiya Spray Can@$12 a can... RIPOFF!!I wont mention where I got this from because the guy who sold it to me is a member of the Gang Of Very Rude Asians (GOVRA). What a rude person. Throws my change on the counter and not in my hand!? It wasn't even a toss, he like Powerbombed my change on the counter. Very poor form.
As I stormed my way out onto eckersley's where I greeted by a very polite gentleman. Helpful and knowledgeable. That is called customer service! I must note that he was wearing really tight jeans. With his help, I bought a fine paintbrush
to add to my ever growing junk collection
Why talk about a can and a brush? Well, to be honest, after discovering colour mix-up, I have become disheartened and even disillusioned. :|
Ok maybe not, but I am going to modify the Gundam Striker Weapon System SD to become Gundam black-with-gold-bits Striker Weapon System SD! I am going to spray all the runners black and with my gold paint, I will detail the panel lines. How exciting!
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