Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Build 2.19 Gundam Striker Weapon System SD

Finally I am back in the gym. I think people that don't gym and even those who do gym but slack off should be prosecuted by the law. The mysterious right hand injury is healed miraculously... for now. This also means ranting about my gym escapades. Today is no exception :) I dont discriminate over-weight nor under-weight people in the gym nor the muscularly-blessed ones BUT there are some that causes me to be indifferent.

I cannot stand people who don't apply correct techniques in their exercises or those who use weights that are clearly too heavy for them yet they persist. Like today this little asian dude (note: In case you didnt know, I'm an asian so I can freely bag other asians lol) doing the pelvic thrust while performing a standing bicep curl with a 30kg bar-bell. This is so wrong. Even repeating it again is so wrong. Doing more than one pelvic thrust in public with shorts is wrong.

I dont get it, I pay $xxx.xx in gym fees every year and the fees just keep increasing each year. Why dont people just ask the gym instructors for advice? Are we paying them to just wipe down sweaty benches and put away misplaced dumb-bells? End of rant.

Master grade. I just love the sound of these two words together. (Lila commented that it sounded like masturbate lol) If James Bond planted a listening device on me on my way to work. He would like only hear me repeat over and over again, "Master grade" in my best Peter Cullen voice impersonation. Why? Because two days ago, I received my Master Grade Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second Revise with bonus backpack connector.

Thats enough teasing. Back to the current build. Well, this is just minor update on the build as I have discovered the one of many mistakes of this knock-off. I have overlooked the fact that the parts are not as defined as the Bandai ones but to mix up the colours!? That is unforgivable!

Can you spot the difference?

1 comment:

  1. I said you like saying master grade because you can ALMOST say masturbate without offending anyone. Btw, another downside of casttv is that you can't keep the episodes after wasting your bandwidth watching it.

    Maybe it's cheaper for them to make those colours instead.
