Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog 3.1 Five things I hate/love about gym & gundam contest

I am starting out with 5 things for the moment until I discover more things that I hate/love about the gym.

1) The locker rooms - I love the electronic keypad lockers but dislike the wooden lockers... all dirtied and stained with black unknown substances. I have to bring like Aldi catalogues to line the locker before I store my change of clothes and stuff. :(

2a) Shoes ought to be banned from the locker rooms. People would bring in mud, tinea, urine and even possibly faeces on the floor. Hang on, you might say "You mighthaf, couldhaf bring them in too". Ah, but even if I did, it would be like minute-microscopic-bacteriasized dirt, lol, but the gym should at least get their instructors to mop the floor every few hours. They just stand around and chat most of the time - useless. I HAVE TO LEARN MY TECHNIQUES FROM YOUTUBE!!! WHAT?!

2b) Continuing from 2a. What grosses me out is despite the fact that floor is cover with all of the above mentioned, 80% of the guys would walk barefooted. YUCKS! Tinea much?

3a) To solo or not to solo. I am a solo gymer. This is because I wanna be in and out of the gym and make my routines quick yet effective. One of the ways to achieve this is to have 30 seconds intervals between sets. Now, if I were to gym with Mr.P, the chances are we would be talking about Nat Chan's tight jeans or his bogan haircut... meaning we would take probably 40-60 seconds intervals or even longer. That's why I try not to make friends at the gym.

3b) I'm not saying don't make friends, I personally think that it wastes time.

3c) If you do decide to have a gym partner. Do yourself a favour and find someone who is on the same strength level as you are. There is nothing worse that gym-ing with someone weaker than you. A fine example is when I went with Mr.P to the gym. We had to keep changing the plates on the barbell for the bench press... waste of time!

4) People who come to the gym in thongs... no, not undies (that would be gross depending on the gender) but as in slippers. Again the gym instructors are not around to chase these people out. WHAT?!

5) Guys who emphasize on using too heavy weights rather than technique. Frustrates me to see guys thrusting their pelvis when doing dumbbell curls. WHAT?!

A perfect world would be walking into the gym and seeing all buffed guys doing perfect techniques and its dead quiet except for the music playing. Nice.

I noticed that since my last gym update that I have been stuck in a plateau for the last 3 weeks so today I upped my

dumbbell bicep curls from 25kg to 30kg

seated calve raises to 35kg to 40kg

seated dumbbell shrugs from 30kg to 35kg

dumbbell bench press starting to include 1 set of 70kg

dumbbell shoulder press up to 40kg

There is really no place like home gym.

Finally this is my video response to a Gundam contest being held on Youtube.
You really need to watch this guy's video to understand why I made my video the way it is.

Click to see this guys sample video >>HERE<<. He starts off all his videos with his trademark opening theme song and his robots spin around.

and here is my video response... hope I win!


  1. indeed....

    apparently it just gonna be in a lucky draw style... but thanks for your help.. if its mean to be it will be lol! HUGSXOXOXO

  2. Drop by n hello, following u. Follow me too...

  3. I'm not a gym addict nor do i know gundam, so...
