Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blog 0.4 Hair

My hair is too long. I need to cut it. I have been thinking to cut it like Soap Mactavish from the superbly great game, Modern Warfare 2. Mohawks are cool!

Sadly not everyone shares my opinion
Mr.P, "You'll look like douche bag"
Ms.Japanese, "You'll look like Mr.P"
Ms.Legend,"I know I make empty promises, but I will promise to bake you a chocolate banana walnut cake if you don't cut your hair like that"
Mr.Chan,"I'm like ten times better looking than Mr.P. What? Oh you mean cutting your hair like Soap Mactavish? Hell no! Bros before toes!"
Ms.Youffy,"Who is Mr.P?"

I'm pretty sure that Mr. Nat Chan was high on something when I chatted to him. Anyways, I am a stubborn person, I still wanna do it so then I thought why not photoshop myself to see if I do look like a potato if I go mohawk.

Ok I have zero skills in photoshop and actually I don't even have photoshop, but I am a ranked number 19th in the world when it comes to using MS Paint. Mmmm looks a bit douchy, maybe I need to have an unshaven look because Soap Mactavish does have that look going on.
Wow I look so hot. Unfortunately, I am an asian. Yes, I am an asian and if you wiki 'asian and the facial hair' you will find somewhere in there, it will say, "asian men and facial hair are like heaven and earth; or like oil and water, and even like brothers and potatoes".

Before I go on, I must comment briefly about this term, 'bros before toes'. This is short for, "Never choose french fries over your fellow brother". Which basically means if you are eating McDonalds fries and your brother that is not blood related asks for some chips, you better share it!

Sad but true, every time I tried growing a beard and I end up having a chia chin, Apparently one can still buy chia pets. Same with moustaches and side burns... can't grow them even if I feed chocolate banana walnut cake to it. This is the curse of asians. So now my other options are haircuts of guys that I idolise.

Idol 1. Dunno his name but he models for the men's fragrance by Paco Rabanne, 1 million. I so wanna look like that.

Idol 2. Jay Zhou. I love his music so much that my mum legally changed my name because of him. The following video was his first single and when I first saw it I feel in love with his music instantly. I dont mind having this look he had going on in this video. However I don't really like how he looks now. Anyways too achieve this look, seems like I must wear caps and have curly hair. Dunno if my boss will allow wearing caps to work and if I will ever curl my hair.

Lastly Idol 3. Dr Mahatir. The greatest Malaysian prime minister ever. I dont swing left or right or plant trees, but I admire this man. I wish he was my godfather. Yes, with lenless glasses and lots of hair gel I can achieve this look.

I dunno. Hairstyle are troublesome... thank God I am not a girl that be ten times worse. Good night.

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