Monday, January 18, 2010

Review 0.5 Zentel tablets

Worm infestation. You think you may not have it but in fact you probably don't. I, on the other hand, have snake infestation. Who cares if you have worms or snakes, as long as you keep it in your pants and dont tell anyone about it... that's alright with me. When I saw the packaging of these tablets, it was so cute that I just had to get it. Yea... I dont think you can buy this medicine in Australia, I got it from one of those asian countries... think it was called Disneyland?

Look at that happy family... if that picture was printed on a T-shirt , I'd wear it in a heartbeat.

Anyways, not important where I got it from. The important thing is that before I proceed here is the disclaimer. 'All medications can be fatal unless taken as directed by your local registered medical practitioner'. So not wanting to die before I finished building my Gundam Astray Blue Frame MG, I sought professional medical advice from my doctor, Dr. Phil. Dr. Phil has been my family doctor ever since I was a little boy. Thuggish looking kinda doctor... I didn't think health professionals were into bodybuilding. Anyways let me repeat this again, I am not in a position to give people an individual diagnosis or medical advice. Your doctor or pharmacist is the best person to give you the individual advice you need before ingesting strange and exotic medicines.

So here went my doctor's appointment.

Jaystin : 'Good day, Dr. Phil'
Dr. Phil : 'Oh, Jaystin! What brings you to my clinic this fine Friday morning?'
Jaystin : 'I think I got snake infestation'
Dr. Phil : 'You mean worm infestation?'
Jaystin : 'and I just took this tablets that I bought from Mickey mouse, am I going to die?'

Dr. Phil takes a look at my empty box of Zentel and basically told me that I will be fine. He did make another appointment to see him in a couple weeks time to check if the medicine had worked.

So I waited patiently

Day 4
Went to my favourite pub in Melbourne, the keeper's arms to watch my favourite football team, Liverpool FC.

Day 7
Was a hot day, so I wore my poncho & sombrero to work.

Day 9
Went with Mr.P to the local 'Wear-your-tightest-shirt' competition. I beat Mr.P and wasn't even wearing my tightest shirt hahaha.

Day 11
Was a rainy day, so wore garbage bin bags to work.

Day 14
Feeling very metrosexual, wore my Paco Rabanne suit to work.

So after 14 days, I went for second doctor's appointment.

Jaystin : 'Good day, Dr. Phil'
Dr. Phil : 'Oh, Jaystin! So any snakes come out from your bum?'
Jaystin : 'No snakes came out of my bum. Wasted AUDXX.XX inc gst on those worm tablets'
Dr. Phil : 'As your disclaimer said, "seek a health professional before ingesting any medicines"'
Jaystin : 'guess this means that this review was pretty pointless'
Dr.Phil : 'That's what she said'
Jaystin : 'Indeed'

The moral of this story is that I'll never review medicines ever again... unless it has nice pictures on it.