Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blog 0.3 School of Ghrock Open day

Saturday night 9th January. The school of Ghrock opened its door to prospective students wanting to learn to become the next guitar heroes.

There was food
The school of ghrock does not encourage underaged drinking nor drink driving... or does it? muahahaha

In the picture below from left to right : IPKFF Current FIFA10 Australian champion, Mr. Nat "metroboy" Chan and ICCGH Current Guitar Hero Australian champion, Mr. P; Mr. Chan was invited by Mr.P to try his hand at guitar hero.
Mr. Nat Chan is holding my bottle of herbal chinese tea

Due to the school's poor promotion of its open day, no one turn up. So Mr.P invited his neighbours to the school's opening night. In the picture below from left to right : current LRM Makeup Australian champion, MAC; currently watching the street fighter match, D and current SFM Street Fighter Australian Champion, Chun Li.
Apparently Chun Li was in poor form that Mr.P fell asleep and amazingly, Mr.P managed to win their Street fighter match

Apparently D was also in poor form in Street Fighter, that when Mr.P awoke from his slumber, he took his hands off the game controller & started chatting with Mr.Chan yet he still amazingly won against D!

Unless you have been living under a rock, Street Fighter is a very popular fighting video game. As you can see from the picture below, green coloured mutants do not fight on the streets of Los Angeles but in the jungles of Thailand.
The green 'Blanca' just shot an electrical charge towards the grey 'Blanca' knocking him to the ground unconscious.

Then it was on to the FIFA10 football.
Mr.Chan proved to strong for both Mr.P and myself. So I won't waste my time talking about this. But I learnt a button that one can press to score goals from the 50 yards out, called the politically incorrect button.

Everyone having a good time, even MAC was playing guitar hero on the mobile phone.

This being an open day, there was no serious competition. However, I did have a friendly 8 song 'Pro-Faceoff' battle with Mr.P but alas I lost 3-5. For the record, Mr. P and Mr. Chan had been practicing at least an hour a day during the past 7 days on the guitar hero, and while I was busy polishing my Rock Band guitar for at least 5 minutes a day for the past 7 days. Mr.Chan while proved to be unmatched at FIFA10 didnt put up much of a fight to me and needless to say, Mr.P.

1 comment:

  1. eh, i thought i won at least 6-7 songs that first round, then another few in the second round wen i kicked arse again.
