Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Blog 0.2 Resolution

The telly was showing Lord of the rings on new year's eve that I missed welcoming the year by xx seconds. A bloody good movie too bad its xx years too late for me to review it.

Ok new year means new resolutions that I will most likely give up before February starts.

1. To make every gym session effective. Some days I will miss gym for 2-3 days and then guilt starts setting in, and I go just to make the my conscience happy but the body knows! Oh does it know me well. On these days, no matter how hard I push the weights, my body wont be sore or tired ( I define a good workout by the how my body feels after ) at the end of the workout meaning I wasted my time at the gym (when I could be at home painting my gundams). So work hard! Fight! This all depends on the next one.

2. Managing my time well. Sadly I must divide my time between gundams and gym and possibly swimming, seeing that summer is around the corner and that I also bought a new+sexy swimming trunks.
THIS is not what I bought. I am just showing what I have been using since 2000.

I love this trunks. There is even a zipped pocket! It can fit things like a passport-sized photo or a SD memory card.

3. This flows onto this third and final point which is to beat Mr.P at his own game, Guitar Hero. There is no other that is more dedicated to a particular video game title than Mr. P, He practises for at least half an hour every weeknight. No one hates losing especially me and even especially when my rival is Mr.P. So with combining resolution points 1 and 2, I will get a more buff body which will make me look extremely good in my victory pose (which pose?... I am still working on that) when I defeat Mr. P. The key is to focus and concentrate at hitting those bloody notes!

Resolutions aside. I have been busy repainting the Gundam Aegis SD (which was a Christmas pressie from Teresa). I decide to do a repaint on all my cute gundams and make them look sexy. The aim of these paintings is to prepare me for the big build that is the Master Grade Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd revise. My goal before I totally give up on gundams is to have at least one Master grade gundam that is so professional looking that if I ever enter one in a competition I can get at least an honourable mention ;)

Before shot. I forgot to take a pic of it before painting. Doh!

I got the paint from mindgames located along swanston st, melbourne. Purple and silver. I havent painted its bits in silver yet.

Lastly the case for mine and metroboy's nintendo dses have arrived. I plan to show detailed step by step photos to change your nintendo dsi or dslite case on your own. Every other site, I've been to is just too vague to understand and/or skip important details.

Check this out. Top is going to be metallic red, inside top: green, inside bottom: black and bottom: gold. The ultimate customised DSlite

Here is Metro's DSi. Black to a cool light blue case. OR will it be black and blue? hmmmm.

Who knows what 2010 will bring. I know that the past cant be change but my future can be changed (No more losing in bloody Guitar Hero). I will end here by wishing all a Happy New year and to make the most of it.

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